Chuck Norris… Who Cares?

He’s just a ginger.

This Post Has 11 Comments

  1. CJ

    Chuck Norris will smite you for this!

  2. Naresomez

    Segata Sanshiro could kick Chuck’s ass any day.

  3. mark

    “Segata Sanshiro could kick Chuck’s ass any day.”

    Possibly just one kick, but only if Chuck allowed it and it’d be the last thing Segata did on this earth.

  4. BethanM

    OMG you better run and try to hide before he finds you cos he gonna mess you up, man!!

  5. cats

    Hi! Can I, take some pics from your webpage for my school research work??

  6. Noah

    Can I research you? I’m doing a project on people right before they die and you’re next on Chuckey’s list!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  7. Roflcopterlolomgq1`

    THE ALL MIGHTY CHUCK HAS HEARD OF THIS BLASPHEMY!!!!!(if i was u i would probaly set myself on fire.less painful)

  8. bob

    OMG what did you do you just suicided yourself man!

  9. Chuck Norris

    Im coming for you.

  10. Tailynn

    Wowza, problem sloevd like it never happened.

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