iPad vs Stone

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Percykim

    How come a stone is multitasking???
    It’s not that funny, and it’s not fair.
    The iPad is awesome!!!

    Peruvian Apple fan

    1. you suck

      Well you can use it to write on it, to hit people with it, to lift it like weights, you can play games on it, you can sculpture it.

    2. you suck

      Well you can use it to write on it, to hit people with it, to lift it like weights, you can play games on it, you can sculpture it.

    3. you suck

      Well you can use it to write on it, to hit people with it, to lift it like weights, you can play games on it, you can sculpture it.

  2. randon

    i like samsung more that apple just like its more simple. not like that apple shit that is the same thing as book on chinese

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