Head Over Heels Literal Version


This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Jake

    Seriously people please understand the video is to Tears for Fears / Head Over Heels, however this version is what is actually going on in the video (literally) and he is singing to the video not what the song lyrics were. Once you understand that then you will appreciate the video.

  2. Luke

    I hadn’t thought of this since I saw it in 2008 (just before YouTube was ruining with copyrighting claims)

    Anyways, it popped into my head last weekend and I spent hours searching for it as “Misheard Lyrics version”. I was sure it was lost forever, and I was kinda gutted to be honest.

    Anyways, I’m delighted it’s here. It’s fantastic.

    1. andy

      Glad to be helpful! I know a lot of stuff is hard to find now

  3. Scott

    It took me forever to find this after telling my daughter about it a few days ago. Thank you so much for posting it!

  4. Mike H.

    My favorite music video…great song, great parody. YouTube always pulls it. Party poopers!

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